Texas’ Oil Production

Texas has produced great quantities of oil in the past decade with an average of some 500,000,000 barrels of oil yearly according to the Energy Information Administration of the US Department of Energy. This was a product of the crude oil production reported by the operators to the Railroad Commission of Texas annually every 15th of February.

In the last 6 years, 2014 has brought in the highest crude oil production on a month-on-month basis. For the month of January, it produced 69,903,539. For the month of February, it produced some 64,058,704 barrels. For March, it produced 71,589,704 barrels. For April, it produced, 70,506,631 barrels. For May, it produced 72,299,887 barrels. In June, it produced 70,108,403 barrels. At last measure in July, it was estimated that Texas produced 69,573,013 barrels of oil.

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In 2013, a total of 703,119 barrels were produced with a daily average of 1,926,000 barrels. It had some 179,797 wells producing these. Each of these well produced an average of 10.71 barrels a day. There was a 32.19% change in production in comparison to the 533,141,000 barrels of oil produced in 2012.

In recent history, the 2013 production of oil has been the highest recorded. The last highest yearly production was recorded in 1972 when 1,263,412 barrels of oil were produced. This was the highest production since well drilling began in Texas in 1935. of February.

Texas Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1981 80,609 72,591 80,734 77,344 79,890 77,030 78,640 78,356 76,017 78,364 75,135 77,640
  1982 77,306 70,503 78,298 75,983 77,507 74,349 76,378 76,110 74,624 76,561 74,496 76,102
  1983 75,776 69,034 76,046 73,833 75,263 73,020 74,932 74,393 72,726 74,850 72,827 70,211
  1984 76,531 70,374 75,510 72,756 74,806 72,228 74,382 74,123 71,958 74,016 72,024 74,466
  1985 73,331 66,371 74,105 73,839 74,004 70,958 73,337 73,533 70,643 73,585 71,690 73,822
  1986 74,135 66,752 73,344 69,397 70,407 66,802 68,621 67,529 64,891 66,638 64,604 66,475
  1987 66,135 60,010 66,167 63,738 64,459 61,837 63,677 63,399 61,622 64,129 62,107 63,682
  1988 63,922 59,979 63,853 61,281 62,750 60,347 61,624 61,476 59,019 61,450 59,159 60,635
  1989 60,740 53,515 59,812 57,725 59,073 56,383 58,015 57,916 55,717 57,467 55,925 55,881
  1990 58,072 52,687 57,594 55,382 57,044 54,665 56,603 57,292 55,515 58,804 56,998 57,822
  1991 59,433 54,071 59,299 57,138 58,502 55,333 57,078 57,332 55,302 57,160 55,424 56,544
  1992 56,323 52,552 56,220 54,054 54,953 52,661 54,505 54,719 52,929 54,834 52,601 54,274
  1993 54,148 48,839 53,801 51,690 52,838 50,734 51,722 51,853 50,005 51,726 50,183 51,551
  1994 51,754 46,561 51,465 49,384 50,644 48,323 49,488 49,347 47,681 48,888 47,771 49,430
  1995 49,056 44,190 48,410 46,696 47,706 45,594 46,681 46,620 45,107 47,110 45,725 46,751
  1996 46,721 43,547 47,159 45,382 46,406 44,396 45,439 45,202 44,037 45,663 43,803 45,587
  1997 45,150 41,756 45,840 44,467 45,629 44,141 45,305 45,012 43,976 45,536 44,460 45,313
  1998 45,909 41,312 45,140 43,016 43,723 41,599 41,721 41,772 40,185 41,157 39,708 39,420
  1999 39,197 35,443 38,576 37,050 38,147 36,136 37,374 37,109 36,442 38,109 37,180 38,470
  2000 38,241 36,030 38,258 36,836 37,606 36,234 37,121 37,177 35,866 36,999 35,848 37,181
  2001 37,020 33,270 36,603 35,464 36,204 34,606 35,747 35,622 34,127 35,770 34,253 35,611
  2002 35,477 31,959 34,903 33,653 34,596 32,975 33,876 33,968 32,904 33,980 33,233 34,252
  2003 34,336 31,046 34,578 33,273 34,030 32,560 33,571 33,529 32,843 34,071 32,850 33,977
  2004 33,797 31,700 33,758 32,461 33,223 31,709 32,762 32,838 32,023 33,090 32,073 33,281
  2005 33,740 30,718 34,033 32,706 33,439 32,094 32,887 33,012 31,152 33,176 32,387 33,257
  2006 33,639 30,439 33,691 32,383 33,158 31,960 32,932 32,806 32,121 33,438 32,506 33,408
  2007 32,790 30,191 33,501 32,481 33,244 31,743 32,825 32,977 32,075 33,229 32,515 33,701
  2008 33,914 32,020 34,549 33,397 34,404 32,920 34,429 34,421 31,673 34,889 34,243 35,149
  2009 35,121 31,590 34,665 33,306 33,765 32,131 32,952 33,069 32,432 33,499 33,022 33,792
  2010 34,053 31,389 35,237 34,114 35,528 34,155 35,728 36,162 35,732 37,714 37,291 39,646
  2011 39,726 34,341 41,403 40,396 43,162 42,011 44,503 46,098 46,002 49,360 49,603 52,202
  2012 53,199 51,142 55,511 55,997 59,230 58,411 61,964 63,623 62,676 66,734 66,448 69,252
  2013 70,421 65,437 73,880 72,359 76,968 75,493 79,783 80,685 79,447 82,389 80,135 86,599
  2014 88,047 80,835 90,944 89,412 93,841 92,215 96,168



= No Data Reported;  = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.